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Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn fo4. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 11, 2018

Armor Workbench Guide | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

Armor Workbench Guide | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Armor workbench is located in Sanctuary or any settlement in fallout 4 that you build one in. It's used for taking armor pieces, and customizing them. Add additional armor, electrical resistance, chemical resistance and even different colors. With the Armorer perk you'll have access to many more options, so consider that perk if you're going to be making lots...

How to Assign Settlers in Settlements | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

How to Assign Settlers in Settlements | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Remember to be in workshop mode when highlighting settlers. To highlight a settler in your settlement, point at the settler at close range and you'll see the options for them on the bottom of the screen. Select "assign" and their E option will turn to "go". Go to the building or resource that needs a person and put your cursor over that building or resource....

Perception BobbleHead Location | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

Perception BobbleHead Location | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Buy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SBuy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://xbeaugaming.spreadshirt.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter: http://twitter.com/xbeaugamingLIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/xbeaugamingSteam Trades: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer...I'll show you how to break, abuse...

Infinite Items and Bottle Caps Glitch | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

Infinite Items and Bottle Caps Glitch | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Again guys you might have to experiment on a merchant if this will work., but here are the steps.HAve enough caps to buy a stack of ammo from a merchant:1) Buy a stack of ammo - DO NOT FINALIZE THE DEAL2) sell back 1 (ONE) ammo - DO NOT FINALIZE THE DEAL3) Now sell back the rest of the stack - AGAIN DO NOT FINALIZE THE DEAL4) You should see in your inventory...

INSANE Behemoth Super Mutant Kill | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

INSANE Behemoth Super Mutant Kill | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Join me sometime on the livestream, I will start scheduling my livestreams and would love to have you guys around :DBuy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SBuy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://xbeaugaming.spreadshirt.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter: http://twitter.com/xbeaugamingLIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/xbeaugamingSteam...

Legendary Raider & Power Armor Loot | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

Legendary Raider & Power Armor Loot | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Just south of Lonely Chapel is the Federal Ration Stockpile. Tons of good gear in there, plus this legendary. Totally a solid location for junk and gear.Buy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SBuy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://xbeaugaming.spreadshirt.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter: http://twitter.com/xbeaugamingLIVESTREAM:...

Never Ending Powerful Double Barrel Shotgun | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

Never Ending Powerful Double Barrel Shotgun | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
Buy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SBuy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://xbeaugaming.spreadshirt.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter: http://twitter.com/xbeaugamingLIVESTREAM: http://www.twitch.tv/xbeaugamingSteam Trades: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer...I'll show you how to break, abuse...

Medicine BobbleHead Location | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming

Medicine BobbleHead Location | Fallout 4 | xBeau Gaming
The medicine bobblehead will give your stimpacks an extra 10% healing power. Big help when you have deathclaw's eating your butt cheeks in the fallout 4 commonwealth.Buy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SBuy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://xbeaugaming.spreadshirt.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter:...

Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church - Fallout 4 - xBeau Gaming

Hopesmarch Pentecostal Church - Fallout 4 - xBeau Gaming
Subscribe Today! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_...Buy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SBuy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://xbeaugaming.spreadshirt.com/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter: http://twitter.com/xbeaugamingLIVESTREAM: https://gaming.youtube.com/beausafkSteam Trades: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer...I'll...

Get All Bobbleheads in 1 second - Fallout 4 - xBeau Gaming

Get All Bobbleheads in 1 second - Fallout 4 - xBeau Gaming
On PC, place a text file (.txt) in Steam\Steamapps\Common\Fallout 4 with any and all of the below commands, ending with a semicolon (;) and a new command on each line. To run the script while in-game, open the console and type bat "filename" without the file-type extension. For example, if the file name is "test.txt", simply type bat test in-game to run the...

Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 11, 2018

The Best VATS Weapon in Fallout 4 - xBeauGaming

The Best VATS Weapon in Fallout 4 - xBeauGaming
Buy a Shirt and Support the Channel: http://shop.spreadshirt.com/xbeaugaming/Subscribe Today! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_...Buy my book! "Play Games, Get Paid!" http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HI3NL0SFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/xBeauGamingTwitter: http://twitter.com/xbeaugamingLIVESTREAM: https://gaming.youtube.com/beausafkSteam Trades: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer...I'll...